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🥀2026🎱世界杯🐔让球开户🚭诺丁汉vS卢顿 🏆hg08体育38368·CC🎁











  “翼鲲体育”作为第一批进入宁波诺丁汉大学孵化产业园的入驻企业,是由宁波诺丁汉大学的毕业生亲创的企业 。令人意想不到的是,这家飞盘企业,最初是由六个还在宁波诺丁汉大学读书的学生创立的。成立八年来,他们生产的飞盘从宁波诺丁汉大学的操场飞往世界50多个国家和地区,而翼鲲体育也发展成了世界前三、亚洲唯一获得世界飞盘联盟最高认证的飞盘公司。









  The latest episode of ‘Chinese Partner’ shown on 3 August, in which ‘Yikun Discs’ made its debut, turned out to be a great hit. Though unfamiliar to many prior to the program, the flying discs soon grabbed everyone’s attention once introduced by the Yikun team.

  Developed by the Shenzhen Media Group, ‘Chinese Partner’ has become the most high-profile reality show of its kind, aimed at connecting startups to much desired early-stage capital. Big names in the business arena, including Xu Xiaoping-founder of the Zhen Fund, Li Guoqing-CEO of Dang Dang, Long Yu-CEO of BAI, Yao Jinbo-CEO of 58 Group, together with Huang Shujun, a popular figure in the showbiz, formed the expert panel. Entrepreneurs have to go to all lengths in order to win a vote of confidence, and of course a generous sum.

  Xue Zhixing, founder of ‘Yikun Sports’ and also a former UNNC graduate, impressed the guests with a lively presentation, which not only featured an overall introduction of disc sports, but more importantly, pointed to its vast potential as a commercial venture. In particular, He highlighted the company’s product diversity and strong performance in North American market to support his optimistic outlook.

  "A new great sport was born here," exclaimed Xu Xiaoping, who decided to contribute four million yuan to support Yikun on the spot. Meanwhile, Yao Jinbo and Huang Shujun also spoke highly of the project: "What you are undertaking is groundbreaking and we will continue to follow your every move.”

  As one of the first tenants that settled in the UNNC Incubator, Yikun Sports was initially created by six UNNCers during their undergraduate years. Over the past eight years, the flying discs have travelled from the UNNC campus all the way to over 50 countries and districts in the world. YiKun sports is also the first Asian disc sports company which is approved by the WFDF for championship level competition ( World Flying Disc Federation).

  Back then, they left their high-paying jobs in bank to start this venture with a true passion for the Discs Sport. Now, Yi Kun sports has reached total sales of more than 8 million yuan, with twofold increase in turnover on a yearly basis. The storage space has also grown remarkably from the mere 100 square meters at the outset to more than 1,000 square meters today.

🥀2026🎱世界杯🐔让球开户🚭诺丁汉vS卢顿 🏆hg08体育38368·CC🎁

  In July 2017, Yikun Sports opted to base their operation in the newly launched UNNC Incubator Park. In a recent interview conducted by the incubator staff, Xue Zhixing explained that Yikun chooses to join UNNC Incubator not only as a kind gesture, but also he viewed it as an international platform, which would help the company to tap into oversea markets through better channeling and publicity. In addition, the students in UNNC are known to be innovative and multi-talented. In a way, the companies in the Incubator can provide ample opportunities for the students who look to hone their skills in the real world. When it comes to the feeling after moving to the incubator, he mentioned that the environment is great and internationalized, especially given its strong sense of design and advanced equipment, both conducive to productivity. Meanwhile, he thinks that UNNC Incubator can provide great help not only on the disc competition and training, but also the sales, investment and company promotion resources.

  "I think they felt for our passion and ambition, and believed in our ability and enthusiasm to promote the sport of flying discs.” Xue Zhixing said in the interview after the ‘Chinese partners’ program. Let’s hope that Yikun can thrive with the full support of UNNC and UNNC Incubator and truly become a world class company.

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  Vanessa WU



A World Beyond Ordinary

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